bQuind Contracting-to-Perm for Business Process Consultants
Are you looking for talented candidates to join your team as Process Owner, Business Analyst, ARIS administrator or another process management related role?
At bQuind we help you to select your ideal candidate(s) and give them all the necessary training courses and education they need to excell in your organisation.
To lower the risks the candidate first joins bQuind as a consultant and will be right from the start seconded at your organisation. For the duration of the contract, bQuind will ensure that the candidate obtains the required certifications and skills to execute all the required tasks. Of course we offer a competitive hourly rate.
At the end of the contract, your organisation will employ the candidate or if the candidate doesn’t meet expectations, you can decide to not hire the candidate during the seconding contract.

Less risk, more flexibility, no hassle
Selecting the candidate that matches your profile and possesses all the required skills can be hard and take up a lot of time.
bQuind’s Contracting-to-Perm increases your chances of finding the most suitable candidate for your vacancy, without any extra efforts from your side.
- Recruitment and selection done alongside a partner who has expertise in the desired profile and necessary skills;
- You spread the risk and typically have a year to evaluate the candidate;
Increased flexibility; - Lower recruitment costs;
- Highly competitive hourly rates for our candidates;
- The candidate receives all necessary training and education;
- All our agreements with candidates contain clauses for best effort and study costs;
- Continuous guidance and coaching for the candidate throughout the duration of the contract.
bQuind’s in-depth ARIS and BPM knowledge
- Recruitment based on 20 years of experience;
- Fully trained and skilled in your BPM practice;
- More than 20 years of ARIS knowledge as a resource for trainees;
- Coaching during the contracting-to-perm period;
- Evaluations during the contracting-to-perm period;
- No obligation to hire the candidate;
- A trainee rate for people who are immediately deployed and who provide increasing value throughout the year.

Listen to our happy clients
For a Dutch large public organisation, we were successful in handing over 4 candidates that were trained as BPM consultants differentiating from business analyst to more technical process mining specialist. Besides this we trained 3 more already contracted staff members and are now in the third wave of training new staff members in a contracting-to-perm contract.
The client especially emphasizes on close collaboration throughout the different steps: carving out the profiles for recruitment, determining the training need to meet the knowledge expectations, selecting the right candidates, the coaching and evaluation process and finally the hand-over process.
Our gained experiences are now open to also benefit your organisation.

Select your ideal candidate in 5 steps
We follow five simple steps to help you find the perfect candidate for the job:
- Determine your current and future needs;
- Check the out-of-the-box bQuind job profiles as a start;
- Add your specific requirements and conditions to these profiles;
- Select your most wanted candidates out of the shortlist;
- Get to know your candidate better during the first contracting stage.